- Dune Graduation Project MSc 4 2010 | Tutors: Dr. Nimish Biloria, Dr. Henriette Bier | Aurelie Hsiao
- MSc3&4
- Design Studio 3&4
- Code
- AR3AUE30, AR4AU200
- Course Title
- Credit points
- 15 ECTS
Students Wiki
Msc1 2016 Fall - RBSE
Msc2 2016 Spring - GSM
Msc1 2015 Fall - EX25
Msc2 2015 Spring - RE
Msc1 2014 Fall - m4h
Msc2 2014 Spring - I.P.E
Msc1 2013 Fall - 2628Climator
Msc3 2013 Fall - cECO
Msc2 2013 Spring - multiMOD
Msc1 2012 Fall - reNDSM
Msc2 2012 Spring - reRDM
Msc1 2011 Fall - vhPARK
These courses are not offered every semester. The next MSc 3 will be offered during the Fall 2016 semester, the next MSc 4 will be offered during the Spring 2017 semester.Hyperbody's Graduation studios involve a research driven design approach, which primarily focuses on articulating the complex relationship between social, environmental, spatial, technological and user based information with physical matter. Focusing on the development of large architectural scale urban inserts, the MSc 3 studio investigates the aforementioned information sets in an associative/ parametric manner with the help of computational and analogue apparatus. In order to cater to the inherent dynamism embedded within the contemporary, the studio shall investigate simulation driven design as a vital design strategy to attain optimal social, environmental and structural performance of the designed architectural forms. Strategies for ensuring optimal environmental conditions as well as for ensuring optimal programmatic positioning and enhancing user interaction will thus be seen as important goals to achieve via the interdependence of multiple bottom-up simulation sets.
The term apparatus itself shall be investigated from a systems view point to derive notational procedures which, in-turn will give rise to creative mapping techniques and produce measuring rule sets serving as algorithms within the computational domain. The urban context, via such an understanding of an apparatus or in other words a computational abstract machine, will result in the generation of a dynamic information embedded genetic blue print of the site under consideration. This Blueprint consisting both qualitative and quantitative data, will subsequently be analyzed and experimented with for its potentiality to embody and generate spatial formations with the use of evolutionary computational tools and techniques. Issues concerning material logics, environmental performance and structural optimization will serve as integral fitness goals for experimenting with such computational methods. The relation between such potential genesis of form and its continual performance in time via auto-regulation of its spatial make-up shall thus become a critical area of investigation in the MSc 3 studio. The term "Formation" shall thus be understood as a self-organizing systemic population of spatial, structural, program and user based agents in time, which result in the generation of an emergent architectural condition.
A specific site exhibiting critical urban context within The Netherlands shall be chosen for the graduation studio. The students, operating within this challenging context shall conduct an in-depth analysis of intrinsic as well as extrinsic parameters. The studio shall operate on a dual level (group - till P1 as well as individual - post P1) in order to cover a wide range of biotic, computational as well as systemic concepts: networks, porosity, growth, evolution, mutation, emergence etc. A meaningful sharing of such conceptual research amongst all members of the studio shall further enhance the capabilities per student to develop a strong grounding as regards the extrapolation and application of knowledge onto bottom-up architectural explorations. The MSc3 studio shall also provide integrated computation and interaction design workshops and lectures in order to stimulate the students as well as to obtain a global viewpoint as regards cutting edge research and design initiatives.
The MSc 3 studio shall thus via a variety of exploratory strategies and research experiments pave the way for graduation projects in the MSc4 phase. To summarize, the graduation studio thus creates a solid foundation in computational design, engineering and above all paves a critical thinking process not only necessary for pursuing the MSc4 graduation design project at Hyperbody but also to become a design professional in the contemporary information driven era.
MSc 4 deals, therefore, with the selection of a specific 'formation' from MSC 3 and its implementation into architecture. This process requires in addition to bottom-up approaches (explored extensively in MSc 3) top-down methodologies for the specific implementation of 'formations' into 'architectural embodiments'. Bottom-up and top-down methodologies will be discussed in the MSC 3/4 studio with respect to their deterministic and non-deterministic, as well as procedural and object-oriented intrinsic nature and their impact on design. In this context, bottom-up methodologies refer to process-oriented approaches implying deterministic use of environmental, functional, and structural data for architectural design, while top-down methodologies refer to non-deterministic choices regarding use of formal language, for instance, that are object-oriented and imply a positioning and framing of the architectural work within the contemporary architectural discourse.