- 06 SepInterview Chris Kievid & Jelle Feringa in B-Nieuws #1 on Hyperbody's recent focus on Robotic Fabrication
- 16 AugHyperbody PhD candidate Alireza Hakak won the first prize in an open design competition
- 03 AugHenriette Bier and Christian Friedrich members of the reviewing committee for: Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture
- 30 JulPublication "Architecture as a Multi-Agent System" by Tomasz Jaskiewicz in Volume #28: Internet of Things
- 28 JulInterview Kas Oosterhuis on Process, Timelessness and RealTime in Architecture
- 19 JulPaper presentation Xin Xia at the ENHSA/EAAE Conference - Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture
- 12 JulTEDxDelft will feature Kas Oosterhuis as speaker — Ideas spreading everywhere
- 01 JulURBAN FLUX workshop @ Harbin Institute of Technology : 25th June - 9th July 2011
- 29 JunDr. Henriette Bier will be presenting her paper "Robotic Environments" at ISARC 2011
- 27 JunLecture and paper by Alireza Mahdizadeh Hakak and Nimish Biloria @ iVERG Conference
Dr.-Ing. Henriette Bier lectures on Robotic Buildings at the Institute of Experimental Architecture, University of Innsbruck, Austria on 7th of February 2014
Robotic Building(s)Abstract:
Technological and conceptual advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and material science have enabled robotic building to be in the last decade prototypically implemented. In this context, robotic building implies both physically built robotic environments and robotically supported building processes, whereas reconfigurable, robotic environments incorporating sensor-actuator mechanisms that enable buildings to interact with their users and surroundings in real-time require design to production, assembly, and operation chains that may be (in part or as whole) implemented by robotic means. This lecture presents and discusses research and experimental developments in robotic building implemented more recently at Hyperbody, TU Delft.http://www.exparch.at/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=938&Itemid=40